Forum Komunikasi Waria Indonesia

The Davis Project for Peace

FKWI Laundromat

In 2020, I won my very first grant funding from the Davis Project for Peace Foundation.

I received a funding of $10,000 for the population I have been working with, the Indonesian elderly transgender community in Jakarta.

I established a laundromat for FKWI as a source of income generation that would support the shelter in providing social services as well as to provide employment to some of its members.

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, I managed the project remotely with the assistance of other volunteers. The laundromat was established in August 2021.

FKWI Laundry – VOA News
FKWI Laundry – CNN Indonesia
Covid-19 Fundraising

“Contributing gives me a sense of purpose; it helps me to stay grounded.

Volunteering is one way to contributing to the betterment of others and the society.”

— Nia English, Volunteer